Rose Bouquet "Mirabel"

  • Elegant Appearance: Selection of the best "Mirabel" roses with their unique beauty and shape of flowers.
  • Perfect Gift: A wonderful choice to express your love and affection.
  • Easy Care: Easy to care for, requiring moderate watering and a well-lit place for growth.

This "Mirabel" rose bouquet will be a wonderful gift for your loved one or a beautiful addition to your interior.

We also offer a 10% discount for orders from our Armed Forces defenders. For details on prices and bouquet selection, contact our managers, who will gladly help you choose the perfect "Mirabel" rose bouquet.

Квітка: Троянда

Колір: Червоний

Кому: Чоловіку

Кому: Коханій

Кому: Подрузі

Подія/Нагода: День закоханих

Подія/Нагода: Ділова зустріч

Подія/Нагода: День батька