Mixed Bouquet "Spring Harmony"

  • Flower Composition: Tulips, peonies, roses, ornithogalum, calla, ozothamnus, spray roses.
  • Uniqueness of the Composition: Each flower type in this bouquet adds its unique texture and color palette, creating a soft and harmonious atmosphere.

This bouquet will make a wonderful gift or a stylish addition to your home or office interior, providing a spring mood and tenderness.

We also offer a 10% discount for Armed Forces of Ukraine members. For pricing details and consultations on choosing the perfect composition, please contact our managers, who will be happy to assist you.

Кому: Бабусі

Кому: Партнер/Колега

Кому: Сестрі

Подія/Нагода: Ділова зустріч

Подія/Нагода: Річниця

Подія/Нагода: День народження