Incredible Bouquet of Roses "Salma"

Feel the magic with the incredible bouquet of roses "Salma" – a symbol of elegance and luxury, turning any moment into a special one.

Size and Quality: Ecuadorian flowers are renowned for their large size and high quality, thanks to ideal climate conditions and high cultivation standards.
Climate Conditions: Stable temperatures, high altitudes, and abundant sunlight allow flowers to grow year-round.
Long Blooming Period: The favorable climate ensures a long blooming period, keeping the flowers fresh for an extended time after cutting.
Durability and Resilience: Strong stems and resilient flowers make them durable during transportation and long-lasting.

Flowers are available in sizes from 50 cm to 105 cm. Check with our florist for the availability of your desired length!

We offer a 10% discount on orders for our defenders from the Ukrainian Armed Forces. You can find out the current price from our managers, who will consult with you and help you choose the perfect bouquet.

Квітка: Троянда

Колір: Рожевий

Кому: Дитині

Кому: Бабусі

Кому: Дочці

Подія/Нагода: День народження

Подія/Нагода: Новосілля

Подія/Нагода: Весілля