Exquisite bouquet of peonies

Elegant appearance: Impressive flowers with large opening petals
Perfect size: Suitable for special occasions and gifts with special care
Easy to care for: Requires moderate watering and diffused light

Peonies are known for their ability to bring joy and impressions, making the environment more welcoming and comfortable.

🎁 A great gift: An ideal choice for those who appreciate sophistication and inspiration. Treat yourself or your loved ones with this wonderful bouquet of peonies.

We give a -10% discount on orders to our defenders from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. You can find out the current price for flowers from our managers. They will advise you and help you choose exactly the bouquet that suits you.

Make your day special with our exquisite mono bouquet of peonies!

Квітка: Півонія

Колір: Темно-рожевий

Колір: Рожевий

Подія/Нагода: Весілля

Подія/Нагода: День народження

Подія/Нагода: День матері

Подія/Нагода: Комплімент

Кому: Дочці

Кому: Жінці

Кому: Коханій

Кому: Мамі

Кому: Бабусі