Mono Bouquet of Roses "Tarantella"

  • Impressive look: Bright yellow roses with a light orange tint reminiscent of flames
  • Perfect size: A compact yet striking bouquet, suitable for any occasion
  • Care: Simple care instructions to keep your roses fresh for as long as possible

Roses "Tarantella" are a symbol of passion and energy, adding special charm and romance to any event.

🎁 Perfect gift: An excellent choice for a birthday, anniversary, wedding, or any other celebration. Gift this bouquet to impress and delight a loved one.

We offer a 10% discount on orders for our Armed Forces defenders. You can find the current price for flowers by contacting our managers. They will consult you and help you choose the perfect bouquet.

Express your feelings with the mono bouquet of roses "Tarantella"! 🌹

Колір: Жовтий

Квітка: Троянда

Кому: Мамі

Кому: Сестрі

Кому: Партнер/Колега

Подія/Нагода: Ювілей

Подія/Нагода: День вчителя

Кому: Вчителю

Подія/Нагода: Перший дзвоник