Rose Bouquet "Lowe Perl"

  • Cream-pearl shade: Rich and incredibly delicate, creating a feeling of lightness and luxury.
  • Elegant shape: Each rose has beautifully opened petals and retains its freshness for a long time.
  • Ideal gift: For those who appreciate beauty and tenderness, this bouquet will be a perfect choice.
  • Easy care: Easy to care for, requires moderate watering and light.

We offer a -10% discount on orders for our defenders in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. For price details and consultations on selecting the perfect bouquet, please contact our managers, who will be happy to help you choose the ideal bouquet.

Квітка: Троянда

Колір: Помаранчевий

Кому: Сестрі

Кому: Подрузі

Кому: Дочці

Подія/Нагода: День народження

Подія/Нагода: Комплімент

Подія/Нагода: Новосілля