Mono bouquet of roses "Snowstorm"

  • Color purity: The snow-white shade of the "Snowstorm" roses catches the eye and creates an atmosphere of calm and purity.
  • Elegant shape: Each rose has perfectly shaped petals that add a luxurious look to the bouquet.
  • Perfect gift: Ideal for expressing feelings or celebrating a special occasion that deserves an elegant touch.
  • Easy care: Simple to care for, requiring moderate watering and a well-lit spot.

We offer a 10% discount for our Ukrainian Armed Forces defenders. For details on prices and bouquet selection consultations, please contact our managers, who will be happy to help you choose the perfect bouquet.

This mono bouquet of "Snowstorm" roses will be a wonderful choice for creating a special atmosphere in your space or as an unforgettable gift for someone special.

Квітка: Троянда

Колір: Білий

Кому: Коханій

Кому: Мамі

Кому: Дочці

Подія/Нагода: Весілля

Подія/Нагода: День закоханих

Подія/Нагода: Народження дитини