Delicate Bouquet of Roses "Athena Royal"

  • White Color with Red-Cream Hue: Symbolizes purity, elegance, and nobility, adding light and sophistication to any space.
  • Elegant Shape: Each rose has perfectly opened petals, giving the bouquet a refined appearance.
  • Perfect Gift: For those who appreciate delicacy and refinement, this bouquet will be a wonderful symbol of your feelings.
  • Easy Care: Low maintenance, requiring moderate watering and a well-lit location.

This "Athena Royal" mono bouquet of roses will not only add beauty to your space but also create an unforgettable atmosphere of delicacy and elegance.

We also offer a 10% discount on orders for our defenders from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. For price details and bouquet selection consultations, please contact our managers; they will be happy to help you choose the perfect bouquet.

Квітка: Троянда

Колір: Рожевий

Кому: Жінці

Кому: Коханій

Кому: Мамі

Подія/Нагода: 8 березня

Подія/Нагода: День закоханих

Подія/Нагода: Комплімент