Rose Bouquet "Menta"

  • Unique color: Light lavender with a hint of mint beige, and pink or lavender shades at the petal edges.
  • Elegant appearance: Each rose has a delicate shape and a luxurious center.
  • Longevity: After cutting, the "Menta" rose bouquet retains its freshness for up to two weeks.
  • Easy care: Requires moderate watering and light.

This mono bouquet of "Menta" roses will be a wonderful choice for special events or an elegant gift for your special moment.

We also offer a -10% discount on orders for our defenders in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. For price details and consultations on choosing the perfect bouquet, please contact our managers, who will be happy to help you select the ideal "Menta" rose bouquet.

Квітка: Троянда

Колір: Рожевий

Кому: Бабусі

Кому: Подрузі

Кому: Сестрі

Подія/Нагода: День вчителя

Подія/Нагода: Річниця

Подія/Нагода: Ювілей